Thursday, February 7, 2008

Perfect Day

My perfect day would have to be me and my family getting up early on a friday morning getting ready to go to school and work, and of course me and not taking the bus to school.while in school i would like to learn alot of thing without confusing and yelling. Later during the day i would like to go home with my husband so that i can change my clothes because he will be taking me out to paint the town red. He would take me out to the showshopping, a romantic dinner, and go back to a nice hotel downtown where we would relax and watch movies. On the nezt day i would go home and then hang out with my friends the next day so we can kick it all day.


Corn said...

whats up g

~mz. strawberryblast~ said...

Those pictures r really cute. yall look very gud together.

Me and mario

Me and mario