Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Appearance is not imporant

Appearance isnt everything in my book. I said this because when i talk to people i try to get to know them first so that i can get a understanding of who they are. Just gudging someone on how they look isnt really nice because they might not be the prettiest person in the world but they might be the sweetest person deep inside. I stand behind this because when i was growing up i was really self-conscious about my looks. I felt like the ugly girl out the group even through everyone else said i was cute. But anyways appearance isnt just about looks and how you dress, it's about who you are as a person and what you stand for in life. Having nice up to date clothes and shoes is nice but as you get older you going to notice that their are more finner thingd in life besides getting raw clothes and making fun of another person appearance neither.

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Me and mario

Me and mario