Friday, March 7, 2008

Teacher helping students out!

I remember the time when i was really behind in my class and homework. I had been missing days because of family problems and plus i was sick. When i came back to school there were alot things that my classmates had learned. With me missing days and them just learning new was kind of hard because i wanted to ask them for help but i know i couldnt because i didnt want to cause any problems to anyone. At this moment of time i felt like the whole was on top of me and it was getting up anytime soon. I wanted ti ask my teacher for help but i didnt because i didnt want him to think that i was slow and that i coludnt make up with the speed. So just for them few days i sat in the back of the classroom and did nothing because i didnt want to be a burden to anyone. Later that night i received a phone calls from someone that i didnt expect to call. It was my teacher mr.firke telling me that i need to get though this hurdl and try my best everyday. Even though that is not like me to give up but that this year i dont know what gotten into me. But back to what i was saying he helping me out alot and telling me that i need to get though this because im stronger than that. I believe mr.firke because i was colorblind by the action he does everyday to keep me going to become a A.P Calculus honor student that he think iam. I bleieve mr.firke can help me out with me staying focus and keeping a good grade in his class.

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Me and mario

Me and mario